Posts tagged holistic therapy
Different Aspects Of Trust Weaved Within The Therapeutic Relationship

Culturally, we often think about trust as being only one thing: either someone is to be trusted, or someone is not. This makes sense on a basic level of safety: am I safe with this person, or not?

Once a feeling of safety is present, trust becomes even more interesting...

I believe there are many different shades and aspects of trust, which become more apparent within the therapeutic relationship.

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Creative Kinesiology Is An Inherently Right Hemispheric Therapy

In previous blogs, I have written about the left-hemispheric shifted culture we find ourselves immersed in - with many of the messages we receive outside of our conscious awareness, yet forming and shaping who we are and how we behave within society.

We can find balance when we lead from the right hemisphere's perspective, with support from how the left hemisphere of the brain likes to do things.

Creative Kinesiology has such a right-hemispheric leading approach embedded in the culture of its practice, in the facilitation of healing work, and in a different way of being in the world.

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Working With The Process: A Guide to How I Practise

In the field of energy therapies, clients often carry an expectation that the treatment will magically solve all difficulties overnight.

I think it is important to highlight how I work, and dispel some of the myths surrounding energy therapies and holistic treatments.

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EFT & Transactional Analysis: Rewriting Script for Health

What we have learned does not disappear, but through awareness we can integrate all of our experiences and ego states. When we discover the messages of our script that have been driving our behaviour and relationships, we can choose from the Adult Ego State which thoughts and behaviours we engage in, and which we decide to change.

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Feel The Heat, Turn Up The Reiki Energy

I am often asked about the significance of feeling heat during a Reiki Healing session.

Some people may feel very little during Reiki, others feel a coolness or tingling, and the majority of people will feel warmth.

This warmth or heat may feel stronger in certain areas of the body, and I am asked why this might be.

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Blending EFT with Powerful Forgiveness Practice Ho'oponopono

Ho'opono'pono is a sacred practice originating from Hawaii and its indigenous peoples. In its beauty is simplicity and depth. The words:

I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.

This is an incredibly useful tool when working with forgiveness - a part of all healing work in my opinion, no matter the scale of the difficulty you are facing.

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