Posts tagged change
A Look Back At What's Been Shaking Up in 2019

Anyone else think there is phenomenal transformation happening? A huge rising up at all levels: social, environmental, personal and political.

Perhaps my historical view is a little too short, and there have been many moments like this before. Or perhaps the climate emergency is fueling an under-swell of existential tension.

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In Facing Life We Must Face Death

The creative and destructive forces of the cosmos are always at play. Life and Death, and all of their sub-personalities.

We see them in external clues like seasons: in the flowering of the spring and the letting-go-leaves of autumn. We see them in the births and deaths within our own families. And within ourselves there exist the same forces - of letting go and of welcoming the new.

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There Is No Magical 'Quick Fix'

The work that I (and many others do) is of a spiritual nature, addressing healing at a soul level and working with subtle energy in the body.

Emotional, mental, physiological and nutritional health states are addressed also, but I think there is more widely accepted understanding that for these aspects of life change takes place over time.

Why then would there be a magical cure-all for aspects of the soul, spirit or subtle energy?

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