Posts tagged spiritual
The Importance of Holistically Stretching & Releasing

This is a blog all about stretching and releasing...

Stretching and letting go at all levels of your being: physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually.

As you stretch, you grow. As you release, you allow the vitality of your soul to fill up those spaces.

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Living Your Full Potential with Guts and Style

I believe that the greatest challenge each of us face as individuals is living our full potential. 

In astrology, this is often referred to as the North Node and represents places we have never been and things we have never done before. In mythology, it is known as the Hero's Journey and includes elements like refusing the call and encountering obstacles along the way.

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The Spiritual Comfort of Angels During Grief and Loss

Solace can be hard to find during any kind of loss. Yet comfort is what the heart most longs for during experiences of grief and mourning.

We lose loved ones through death, illness, and even dementia or divorce. Loss occurs in many ways and grief is an entirely natural response, seen in humans as well as in animals.

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Your Design is Essential, Intentional and Consciously Created

You are not here by accident. Your design is not unplanned.

You have been consciously created.

You are designed for expansion, connection and development. Whether you believe this is due to evolution or to a higher power, you will always move in the direction of growth. It is both biology and a spiritual yearning.

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