Posts tagged ta
Seeking Healthy Ways To Satisfy Your Inner Hungers

Eric Berne, the founder of Transactional Analysis, wrote about hungers at the core of every human being.

You can think of these ‘hungers’ as needs - essential biological and physiological needs to enable each person to grow and thrive.

Meeting these needs in healthy ways helps each person feel authentic and empowered in how they interact with the world.

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Creating A Contract With The Five Elements

A contract is a term used in Transactional Analysis (TA) which refers to a mutual agreement between 2 (or more) people or organisations. You could also think of it in terms of the commitments being made by each person - see my last post here.

When we meet at the beginning of Creative Kinesiology, we will create together a contract, or joint agreement, for the work we will do.

Let's explore this agreement through the lens of the Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.

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Further Thoughts on Healing the Wounded Masculine

We come back to the theme of healing the wounded masculine again, which I have written previously about here. Reading an astrology blog by Katie Sweetman, we see that with Chiron moving into Aries this month the theme of healing the masculine archetype will continue to 2026-2027.

This will be a period where we heal imbalanced masculine expressions - within and without. Imbalances such as aggression, domination, violence and oppression.

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Stepping Into - And Out Of - The Drama Triangle With Creative Kinesiology

The richness of Transactional Analysis (TA) comes alive through the interaction with Creative Kinesiology.

For me, TA is a living entity. The frameworks are not meant to be theoretical and limited to books, or the mind. TA is designed to be an exploration of the self and others, through experience, relationships and co-creativity. 

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Holding Whatever Arises In A Healing Session As OK

The principle of OK-ness is one of the foundations of Transactional Analysis.

How this translates into kinesiology and energy therapies for me, is to hold whatever arises in each healing session as 'OK'.

You might understand this principle in your own way, such as acceptance, forgiveness, self-compassion, or positive regard.

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EFT & Transactional Analysis: Rewriting Script for Health

What we have learned does not disappear, but through awareness we can integrate all of our experiences and ego states. When we discover the messages of our script that have been driving our behaviour and relationships, we can choose from the Adult Ego State which thoughts and behaviours we engage in, and which we decide to change.

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