Blending EFT with Powerful Forgiveness Practice Ho'oponopono

The process is essentially about freedom, complete freedom from the past.
— Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Ho'oponopono is a sacred practice originating from Hawaii and its indigenous peoples. In its beauty is simplicity and depth. The words:

I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.

This is an incredibly useful tool when working with forgiveness - a part of all healing work in my opinion, no matter the scale of the difficulty you are facing. It may be forgiveness of another and allowing yourself to let go of past hurts, so that you are able to move into a new chapter. It could be forgiveness of your body, or your boss, or your teacher, or your spouse... Ultimately it is about forgiving yourself and moving forward. 

In my experience, Ho'oponopono brings a spiritual aspect to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) when used in combination, and a deeper level of healing becomes possible.

The joy of EFT is in clearing the emotional components and intensity associated with particular memories, trauma, phobias and beliefs. This frees the energy that became stuck at the time of the difficulty, and enables you to use that energy for your highest good and potential - for happiness, freedom and inner peace. This transformation of thought can on its own have a powerful effect on your life, so that you can create your own reality.

Now add Ho'oponopono.

Imagine, after clearing out negative thought patterns and self-limiting beliefs you have about yourself or what you can achieve, you then made space for grace and forgiveness.

It is like spring cleaning your house by removing unused items, vacuuming up the dust, cleaning behind the sofa (!), washing the windows etc. And then, when the tidying and cleaning is done, you place huge bouquets of freshly cut flowers in your living area, on your dining room table, and in your bedroom. Simple, right? And yet, it adds a touch of beauty - a reminder of the grace of life. And you get to enjoy it!

So next time you are tapping and clear an issue or memory, try adding a round or two of Ho'oponopono. Or join me for a session to try it out!

I would love to hear your thoughts if you try this technique, and you can also contact me for your complimentary consultation on