Feel The Heat, Turn Up The Reiki Energy
I am often asked about the significance of feeling heat during a Reiki Healing session.
Some people may feel very little during Reiki, others feel a coolness or tingling, and the majority of people will feel warmth.
I often receive comments that my hands feel like a hot water bottle or radiator. Ordinarily my hands are cool or cold, and only warm up when I am channelling Reiki energy!
This warmth or heat may feel stronger in certain areas of the body, and I am asked why this might be.
by thebarrowboy
The Reiki energy flows through me, normally at the start of a session or when I am preparing for a session, and sometimes when I am talking with people about Reiki. I usually begin to feel warm, and sometimes very hot, as the energy flows in.
It feels like a rush of sunshine travelling down my head and upper body. It is like that feeling when you step off a plane into a hot country (without the humidity), and the heat instantly meets your body.
The energy and heat feel exactly the same for me whether it is for a Reiki healing in person, or for distance Reiki.
Reiki practitioners describe how the energy flows in through the top of the head and down through the body and arms, and out through the hands. The energy is normally not seen, but I would agree with this description because my lower body and feet tend to feel cooler even if my hands are hot.
I understand the level of heat to correspond to the amount of energy flowing. The amount of energy relates to the healing required by the person.
If a person is in more physical pain, I will often feel very hot (compared with very warm). In other sessions, there will be surges of energy and heat in particular areas of the body. It is likely that this part of the body requires more healing energy, whether for physical, emotional or spiritual reasons. Reiki energy has its own wisdom, and will always flow where it is needed.
I consciously 'turn on the tap' by requesting Reiki to flow through me and to my client for their highest good. The amount of energy that flows will be perfect for the person at that time.
Wishing you great warmth and healing!
Experience the wonder of Reiki for yourself in person in Oxfordshire - take a look at the Energy Therapies page or book an Angel Reading
For your complimentary consultation or to book an appointment, contact bryony@creativesoultherapies.com