Further Thoughts on Healing the Wounded Masculine
We come back to the theme of healing the wounded masculine again, which I have written previously about here. Reading an astrology blog by Katie Sweetman, we see that with Chiron moving into Aries this month the theme of healing the masculine archetype will continue to 2026-2027.
This will be a period where we heal imbalanced masculine expressions - within and without. Imbalances such as aggression, domination, violence and oppression.
Transactional Analysis (TA) is a great psychology to work through these themes with. Its origins in psychoanalysis are the masculine expression of thinking about the psyche and human behaviours.
In the framework of TA, this is about healing the stories behind the role of the Persecutor (blog on the Drama Triangle here) and stepping into your authentic power.
These roles in TA originate with the Victim - this is where the original wounding occurred.
Is there something you witnessed growing up? Was your true power taken away? Did you feel you had to give away your power?
Where have you been or continue to feel oppressed? Where do you feel unable to defend yourself?
Does this manifest for you as unhealthy relationships or power imbalances? A lack of direction, a lack of inner strength or inability to take action in your life?
courage by Lauren C
Remember we all have elements of the masculine - this is not restricted to men. The imbalance in the world reveals that.
It is likely that wounding to the masculine has taken place on a societal level for all of us - this is the way things are in the culture that we absorb daily on an unconscious level. Messages about what power is, how to use it, and who gets to use it.
On the environmental level, wounding to the masculine perpetuates a cycle that abuses 'Mother Earth', that harms rather than respects the feminine, nurturing qualities of the earth.
Obvious expressions of the imbalanced masculine occur from domestic settings to countries at war - through violence, abuse, physical domination or control, and acts of war. The masculine energy is distorted into fighting rather than forward thinking.
Wounding to the masculine can manifest in many different ways at the personal level, including chronic stress, overworking, burnout, a need for control, controlling what you eat (or don't eat), over-exercise or risk taking.
As you can see, wounding to the masculine can manifest as a subtle form of violence towards the self. In finding balance, the concept of non-harming (ahimsa) from the yoga tradition may be helpful to keep in mind.
What is your part? What are you being called to heal?
Where can you commit to ahimsa (non-harming) for yourself?
Where will you step into your authentic power?
Digging deep into your self is a process of courage. Taking ownership and direction of your life - these are all positive expressions of masculine energy.
This is an opportunity to grow in self-awareness, consciousness and your own inner power.
And if you need to - lean on the feminine qualities of faith and compassion as you make your way forwards.
Balance your masculine with bryony@creativesoultherapies.com