Between The Two Moons: Preparing For A Total Reset
We have just experienced the full moon in Leo, on January 31st (GMT), and moving towards the Aquarius New Moon on February 15th.
The waves of the full moon recently were strong; the brightness was intense in a number of ways.
What was illuminated for you?
The full moon carried messages that now is your time to shine.
How do you shine best? What do you need to let go of in order to shine more brightly? How can you unlock your full potential?
The full moon may even have shone so brightly, so intensely, that it became uncomfortable to see what holds you back, your fears and self-doubt.
This space between full moon and new moon will be an opportunity for you to let go of old patterns (probably karmic), preparing your system and energy body for a total reset.
Between the two moons is a time for clearing and clarity. Clearing whatever was highlighted as holding you back. And finding clarity on your path forwards.
February has no full moon by mellow cat
This between phase is a potent time for stabilising these new energies.
Between the two moons, you have the opportunity for consolidation of these great shifts and transitions.
Are you shifting in consciousness, depth of understanding or your experience of yourself?
Are you connecting to your vision, dream and others around you in different ways?
This is an exciting time to lay the groundwork for the next steps of your heart.
Connecting to the moon energy, as it ebbs and flows, is a way to connect into the feminine qualities within us all: inner vision, the soft voice of the heart, what we must nurture in order to shine brightly from within.
You may find you need to rest more than normal, allowing your system to relax and make the changes necessary. These changes are not forced, they are natural and arising spontaneously from the depths of your being.
You may not find all of the answers immediately, but trust that in time they will become apparent. For now, simply allow the process to take place with as much ease as possible - the pull of the moon is enough to do the work.
What is being reset within you?
What are you preparing to let go of at the New Moon for a bright, fresh, new start?
What do you need to nurture and encourage as it grows into new life?
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