Full Moon February 2019: The Great Reconfiguration
In the last few months, we have reconnected with our true essence, opened to receive an influx of new light, and cracked open like newborns from an eggshell.
Now this metamorphosis reaches completion at the time of this February full moon, in a symbolic moment of reconfiguration.
The last of the old ways of doing and trying are discarded; we simply are - in our truth, our light and the breath of our presence.
It may or may not look like anything has changed on the outside; this is predominantly an internal shift of ‘being-ness’ yet to become fully manifest in the world.
Our way of seeing has shifted: how we see ourselves, how we see our place in the world, and how we witness our inner strengths (in all their many forms).
This is a great alignment birthed by the Divine creative forces.
Untitled, 2009, by Type A by See-ming Lee
This has been a re-wiring of our brains and bodies (remember how tired you have been?) and of energetic patterns. It has almost certainly been a reconfiguration on behalf of our ancestors too, to reset our path for future descendants.
Look back at this part of your journey, and congratulate yourself on this personal achievement - a culmination of many small steps along the way. This is real change, supported by the Divine unfolding of your soul.
By now I’m sure you know I’m a big fan of moon-bathing, of just being under the moon’s light. Take a few moments to breathe and experience the night sky and full moon. Allow the reconfiguration to happen naturally in the stillness and silence.
Dedicate a yoga practice to bring body, mind and spirit into realignment and anchor in this new way of being. Try Yoga with Melissa online.
This could be a really great time for a body realignment and attention to your spine - practices like Alexander Technique, Bowen therapy or Osteopathy can work wonders. For Osteopathy in Oxfordshire contact Hannah Parr on parr.osteopathy@gmail.com
Reconfigure your life in person or by Skype with bryony@creativesoultherapies.com