Posts tagged soul
Descending Into The Darkness: Deep Inner Transformation

This is Part 3 to the blogs November 2020: Descending Into The Darkness and Descending Into The Darkness: Gathering Your Spirit

I wrote previously that the energies this year are inviting us to go even deeper within ourselves, to find and rediscover something more of who we are. In the outer world, the darkening evenings and the approach of the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere are calling us to go much deeper within ourselves, and experience radical inner transformation.

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A Look Back At What's Been Shaking Up in 2019

Anyone else think there is phenomenal transformation happening? A huge rising up at all levels: social, environmental, personal and political.

Perhaps my historical view is a little too short, and there have been many moments like this before. Or perhaps the climate emergency is fueling an under-swell of existential tension.

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You Are Being Called To Action From Your Soul

This is the first blog of 2018, and it comes packed with action and enthusiasm from the farthest places in the universe, and the deepest parts of your soul.

The energy may be feeling different to you. How are you working with it?

This time of year is ripe with resolutions and intentions. A great way to start the year, especially if you give it a creative twist.

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The Importance of Holistically Stretching & Releasing

This is a blog all about stretching and releasing...

Stretching and letting go at all levels of your being: physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually.

As you stretch, you grow. As you release, you allow the vitality of your soul to fill up those spaces.

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