Working With The Womb Energies
We are experiencing a huge wave of change right now - kick-started at the beginning of March by Uranus shifting into Taurus for its next seven year cycle, and certainly amplified by the huge winds here in the UK. It feels like everything is changing.
This wave of change carries the energy of rebirth (see my recent blog post here), which of course connects us back to our own birth, the emotions and stories around our birth, and even to conditions pre-birth.
The energies of the womb are strongly at work in the present mix - and it would be prudent to be mindful of how they are impacting you and where you might need to make space for them.
Womb energies are difficult to write about, precisely because this is a deeply yin space which is pre-verbal. In such a linguistic and oftentimes loud culture, it can drown out the silence of the space of the womb, the potential of emptiness, and the quiet, deep, tiny creation of life.
Qualities of the womb include gentle nourishment, peaceful space and a sense of deep holding and protection. Take a moment to reflect on these three qualities, and notice how your body responds to each one.
Is there an aspect you need to attend to in your life?
Pregnancy by Tatiana Vdb
As we prepare to start a new chapter, possibly in many areas of our life, we need to honour the space of the womb and we may need to heal any wounds which affected us prior to birth or during birth itself.
As with this seismic and collective shift, we outgrow prior versions of ourselves. We have to leave the deep, nurturing, protective space of the womb to face the world and the unknown. To do this successfully now, we need to harness everything positive we received in the womb and spend time in this space. For those who have suffered hurtful or harmful influences in the womb itself, you might even need to go back further to the very spark of your own life creation.
How do we do this?
We do as little as possible, and we ‘be’ as much as we can. The most important guidance right now is honouring your body’s need for rest.
Rest, rest… and rest some more.
There are also many practices which support the yin energies, such as yin or restorative yoga, yoga nidra, gentle qi gong, being in or near water, and being in nature. Time in the bathtub. White noise or actual sounds from within the womb may soothe the inner child. Sacred, peaceful spaces may also be good right now, like cathedrals or stone circles. Go with whatever feels right for you. For women, simply resting and placing your hands over your uterus is enough.
Through birth we leave the cocoon of the womb, to encounter the world.
Through this wave of change we leave behind our past selves, and re-emerge in a remarkably different way.
Wishing you peace on your journey.
For nourishing support during this time of change, contact