Posts tagged anxiety
So Who - And What - Do I Work With?

Are you curious about what sort of issues I work with? Which therapies and tools might be of benefit?

I have a varied background with studies in nutrition, coaching, counselling, energy therapies and creative kinesiology.

I am open to working with most issues from Anxiety to Zoophobia. My passion is working with people who want to transform their lives, align themselves with their spiritual purpose and make a positive impact in the world.

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Dear Sleep, Where Are You? I Miss You Desperately

This week (6th March) is Sleep Awareness Week. And this post is dedicated to you, and your sleep.

On average as a nation, the UK is chronically sleep-deprived. 

The likelihood is you know what that feels like. Whether it is due to health issues, children, stress, or otherwise, it can be difficult to feel motivated, energetic and purposeful in our lives without those all-important Zzz's.

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