Posts tagged empath
Working With Me As An INFJ-Type Practitioner

I am a big fan of personality tests, as a way of understanding myself and others.

Many people have come across the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which I have used since career days at University.

The comprehensive test indicates your preferences based on 4 main characteristics. There are a total of 16 possible personality types, each with their strengths, challenges and perceptions of themselves and the world.

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So Who - And What - Do I Work With?

Are you curious about what sort of issues I work with? Which therapies and tools might be of benefit?

I have a varied background with studies in nutrition, coaching, counselling, energy therapies and creative kinesiology.

I am open to working with most issues from Anxiety to Zoophobia. My passion is working with people who want to transform their lives, align themselves with their spiritual purpose and make a positive impact in the world.

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A Metaphor for Empaths: The Tuning Fork

The term empath is used to describe a specific group of Highly Sensitive People.

Empaths are highly sensitive people with a gift of being able to feel others' feelings, as if they are their own. This is not simply experiencing empathy for another human being and their suffering; this is an embodied, constant, lived experience.

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