Posts tagged relaxation
The Oxytocin Factor in Complementary Health Practice

You’ve probably heard of the wonder hormone, oxytocin, before…

The stuff of babies and mothers, the hormone that has enabled superb human achievement through the basic building blocks of society: the bond between infants and their carers.

And we need it as adults too - even if it can be harder to come by, depending on how we interact with others and our physical environment.

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What Does 'Light Touch' Mean in Reiki Healing?

The gentle nature of energy healing is often a contrast to daily life, and may therefore be misunderstood.

In Western culture we have been taught to believe that "bigger is better" and "no pain, no gain". Plus, many of our workplace cultures suffer from a dog-eat-dog corporate structure.

The need for light touch, kindness and compassion, may be passed by or overlooked.

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Dear Sleep, Where Are You? I Miss You Desperately

This week (6th March) is Sleep Awareness Week. And this post is dedicated to you, and your sleep.

On average as a nation, the UK is chronically sleep-deprived. 

The likelihood is you know what that feels like. Whether it is due to health issues, children, stress, or otherwise, it can be difficult to feel motivated, energetic and purposeful in our lives without those all-important Zzz's.

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