Posts in Counselling
Seeking Healthy Ways To Satisfy Your Inner Hungers

Eric Berne, the founder of Transactional Analysis, wrote about hungers at the core of every human being.

You can think of these ‘hungers’ as needs - essential biological and physiological needs to enable each person to grow and thrive.

Meeting these needs in healthy ways helps each person feel authentic and empowered in how they interact with the world.

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Creating A Contract With The Five Elements

A contract is a term used in Transactional Analysis (TA) which refers to a mutual agreement between 2 (or more) people or organisations. You could also think of it in terms of the commitments being made by each person - see my last post here.

When we meet at the beginning of Creative Kinesiology, we will create together a contract, or joint agreement, for the work we will do.

Let's explore this agreement through the lens of the Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.

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Different Aspects Of Trust Weaved Within The Therapeutic Relationship

Culturally, we often think about trust as being only one thing: either someone is to be trusted, or someone is not. This makes sense on a basic level of safety: am I safe with this person, or not?

Once a feeling of safety is present, trust becomes even more interesting...

I believe there are many different shades and aspects of trust, which become more apparent within the therapeutic relationship.

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