You Are Being Called To Action From Your Soul

This is the first blog of 2018, and it comes packed with action and enthusiasm from the farthest places in the universe, and the deepest parts of your soul.

The energy may be feeling different to you. How are you working with it?

This time of year is ripe with resolutions and intentions. A great way to start the year, especially if you give it a creative twist.

Move away from traditional resolutions - and definitely those critically-based ones - and see what your soul really has in mind.

What is in your highest interest? And what do you need to DO about it?

Your Soul Is Calling You To Action.jpg

You are being called to action, from your soul. So let your soul plan your year ahead - try using a different method like collage, poetry or journaling. Let an object or picture hold the energy of what 2018 feels like for you - don't worry about putting too many words on it or having to be sure of every outcome. The soul doesn't really communicate in words or logic anyway.

It is likely you will be called to take more action this year - to express yourself, to create, to change your habits, to make something tangible. All of the thoughts and ideas that have been bubbling in the past year or two, now is the time to make them physical. Translate them from the mental plane to something you can see or hold or hear.

Perhaps it is coursework, artwork, a business. Maybe a move or life change. Or actions you need to take within relationships.

Whatever it looks like for you, it will require dedication.

(Remember though, you don't need to do it all right away.)

This is a time to tune into what that work might be, what spontaneously arises within your being, and commit yourself to the action steps.

It's time to turn dreams into reality.

Need some guidance on your soul's desired action? Book an Angel Reading

Take yourself on a personal process to discover your soul's wishes and purpose with Creative Kinesiology - email