April 7th New Moon 2016: Daring and Emerging
“You must give everything to make your life as beautiful as the dreams that dance in your imagination.”
Following the waves of energy generated by the movement of the moon can be an illuminating way to engage with your own energy and the possibilities for expansion in your life.
Today's New Moon in Aries brings a fresh and spirited energy that connects the Chinese Fire Monkey energy of the year with the budding Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere.
Now is the time to plant your seeds with intention and passion.
What do you want?
How are you making it happen?
Think in the present tense, and make the most of the quick, intense and action-oriented energy. Now is the time to take inspired and practical action toward your dreams.
Last night I dreamed of green butterflies, full of a completely new energy. Green with spring, freshness and a revolutionary health.
Green symbolises growth, wellness and abundance. Green is often associated with the heart chakra and compassion, connecting our physical selves with our spiritual souls. Butterflies are a symbol of beauty and transformation to a completely new way of being.
This is a time to emerge, to reveal yourself. To step into the unknown, to open up a new pathway for yourself. This is the time to dare.
What is your true self saying?
What is emerging within you?
This New Moon heralds change, renewal and a brand-new path forwards. Follow your heart and soul, and you will find your freedom.
To find out how complementary therapies can assist you in your life journey and connecting to your passions, contact bryony@creativesoultherapies.com