Embracing The Sacred Feminine

I feel now the rising energies of the sacred feminine. I see this showing up in women reclaiming their power and in men returning to true connection with the Earth.

There is so much happening energetically with the moon, eclipses, and the endless season of Summer in the UK. My sense is that within all of this, the sacred feminine is rising. Though the weather is beautiful and hot, you may also feel called to rest and go within at times to honour the feminine. 

I am also aware of a knowing that this planet is mostly water, and seems inaccurately named! The element of Water is very present at the moment, and all that it represents regarding the flow of life, our inner well, emotions, mystery and depth.

Here are some ways to nurture and support your own sacred feminine:


Offering yourself nourishment, and making space to allow the nourishment of life and the Earth to move through you. This could be nutritional, spiritual, relational and/or physical.

This can be as simple as spending time outdoors, being in your favourite place in nature, spending time in quiet or silence or eating fantastic food. It might mean connecting with close friends, spending time with family or hosting a BBQ and games.

Give yourself the nourishment you need.


Love your body. Give it the nourishment it needs - nutritionally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Get a massage, go to a yoga class, go dancing. Move your hips!

Love your sacral chakra, just below your belly button. Hold your hands there gently, find out what nourishment you need. Energise your senses, do something playful, do something that fills you with joy! 

Women: Book a massage with Bella Aris in Wolvercote, Oxford, for total nourishment on all levels www.oxfordwellwoman.co.uk - book in advance for September

Photo by Krivec Ales from Pexels

Photo by Krivec Ales from Pexels


Spend time in or near water - go river swimming, float in the ocean, dip your toes.

Connect with the animals of the water too, of the insects above, the fish below, the ducklings paddling along behind their mother. Notice the nourishment the water offers to all of life.

Consider your emotional and spiritual life. Is it well-watered? Is it dry and parched? How can you hydrate your inner life?


Attune to the cycles of the moon, spend time under the moon through its phases. Notice how you feel and how you change, especially as we approach the new moon and eclipse of 11th August 2018.

This is the perfect time for moon salutation yoga poses. To flow through the waxing and waning positions, to move through the changing seasons and connect with a deep, reflective knowing of the feminine.


The crystal Shiva Lingam is a lovely smooth stone, with colours of the Earth. It resonates with a very deep peace and has been showing up recently as a good support.

Shiva Lingam honours both the earth and the universal energies, helping you to find your place. It embraces both the feminine and the masculine energies, and is a beautiful stone if you feel drawn to it.

Give yourself some goodness with bryony@creativesoultherapies.com