A Letter From The Great Mother, Earth, To Her Children

This week a beautiful friend gifted me with Rise Sister Rise by Rebecca Campbell. I highly recommend it.

Rebecca's writings really connect with the energy I am sensing at the moment, in the midst of eclipse season, the recent blood moon and the gorgeous Summer we are having here in the UK. This energy is all about the rising feminine, the sacred feminine of the Earth.

Let me briefly point out that this doesn't just mean women - though many women may be resonating with the energies - but instead with the sacred feminine within us all. This letter is for every one of us.

In Rise Sister Rise Rebecca guides the reader to write a letter from the Great Mother of Earth and life. Here are the words which came through me, and which I share with you all:

Dearest one,

This is your great, old, wise Mother. I know you recognise her as grandmother, as the Willow tree, as the wisdom of all trees and the old ways.

I am with you always, in every tree, in each plant and flower, and in every insect, fish and animal, there I am. There I will always be.

I live deeply in the banks of rivers, the currents of the water and in the beating of your heart.

I want you to know that I love you.

Not the kind of love you feel in human form, no, this is a deeper love. A deep love you have always yearned for.

In the total surrender to tides and stars and seasons. In all the beauty I place here for you to see, so that you may glimpse your own beauty.

I want you to know you are beautiful. 

That the light of your heart is made up of the essence of life; that your life is a precious spark of time. 

I want you to know you are loved and you are beautiful, no matter how many beliefs have lead you to think otherwise. Forget the adverts!

Remember my warmth, my comfort, my softness, my curves, my many paths.

I want you to remember who you are.

I want you to remember who you were before words ~ when you were earth, fire, spirit, water.

I want you to remember the magnificence of who you are, the magic of your creation. I want you to remember your sparkle, your joy, your deep knowing. I want you to remember the fierce security in being who you are. 

Remember, remember, remember.

The ancient women knew.

If your heart breaks at all that was forgotten, remember that who you are is never broken. You are life, you are love, you are the energy of creation.

Now let's not get too dreamy; we haven't the time.

Life and creation are not passive. The great mother may be old but she is learn-ed, wise, resilient and passionate.

I hold, nourish and protect all of life. I offer space for all of my creatures ~ for you dear soul.

I think you may be scared of all you can be. No matter. The moon will rise, the planets will turn, the stardust will keep falling.

Fear is only a result of forgetting.

Remember, remember, remember.

The great dance of life includes you. Will you choose to join? Will you dance in exaltation with passion, wildness and sweet joy?

Remember ~ you were born to dance, to grow, to live, to imagine, to cultivate, to nurture. To voice.

Ah, beautiful one... I hear you falter. What is your purpose? What is your message? Are there even words? Is it like a bird's wing in flight?

Words are important, and words are small and limiting. Can you do both? I have no words and yet I speak ~ perhaps you are my voice child, I do not know. Do you?

You have so many questions to discover in life. Follow the whispers of my creatures ~ the call of the kite, the dream of the dolphin, the fruits of the trees. All is revealed in the dance of life.

Your life is unfolding.

Remember, remember, remember.

With love, The Great Mother

May you find comfort in the Great Mother, in your connection to the Earth and your rising, remembering sacred feminine.

Discover your messages with bryony@creativesoultherapies.com

More from Rise Sister Rise at www.risesisterrise.com