Healing Old Heart Walls With The Emotion Code

In Chinese Medicine the Heart meridian is like the Emperor or Empress of your life. This is the seat of your being, the Grand Master of your whole self and life.

Optimal functioning of the Heart meridian includes feeling deep love and warmth for yourself and life, and being able to offer and receive this from others.

However, we will all have experienced some form of hurt where our protective instinct is to close off the heart to guard against future hurt.

It could be disappointment, betrayal, shock or grief, at any time in your life.

At the time you may have consciously made a decision never to allow someone to hurt you like that again. You may have subconsciously created an energetic barrier between yourself, others and life.

There are also unconscious heart walls that can be passed from generation to generation.

Unfortunately, these heart walls also prevent you from engaging fully in life, from living with a truly open and whole heart and from experiencing giving and receiving love.

Healing Heart by solarisgirl

Healing Heart by solarisgirl

Over time a heart wall, which initially felt like a form of protection, becomes an obstacle that keeps out love, joy and belonging. It becomes more like a limitation, closing you off from experiencing the full wonders of life.

Are you ready to open your heart a little more?

Are you ready to live with greater love?

To re-engage in the human race, in the beauty and joy of life and to be able to cultivate deep love in our lives, we must first clear out these old patterns.

This requires identifying the relevant emotions and the origin of these emotions in your past - conscious/unconscious memory, ancestors or other experiences. We can do this through Creative Kinesiology.

This work is taken from “The Emotion Code” by Dr Bradley Nelson. It is a direct and simple technique that allows you to let go of what no longer serves you, to release trapped emotions from the past.

If you would like to experience more of life, find out if you are ready to take down some or all of your heart wall and re-open your heart.

Open your heart with bryony@creativesoultherapies.com