Celebrating Becoming a Reiki Master Practitioner!
“Life you master with a smile”
I am very happy to announce that I have just completed my certificate as a Reiki Master Practitioner!
With a group of beautiful and powerful healing women, we experienced our attunements into the Master Practitioner level of the Usui System of Natural Healing.
My official training in Reiki has been in process now for over 18 months, and the beauty of Reiki is that it continues to grow with me as a person, teaching and blessing me. Making Reiki a regular part of my own self-healing, helps my life flow with more ease and peace.
This third level of Reiki is an important part of my spiritual development, and I waited for the right time on my life's path to move into this next degree.
With the Reiki Master attunement comes a new level of learning, understanding and awareness.
It also carries with it a responsibility for others in need of healing and loving kindness. Assisting others with their healing and development - returning the mind, body and spirit to our natural wholeness and health.
I have noticed that the energy has become even stronger, and my hands even hotter, when engaging with the Master Practitioner energy of Reiki.
As a Reiki Master Practitioner, now more than ever before, the principles of Reiki are guidelines for my life and my working practice. These are infused, and cannot be separated from, my spirituality.
Reiki energy and treatments are not related to any particular belief system or religion, and is open to all. The principles of Reiki can be seen to be closely linked to Buddhist principles, although they could easily be compared to the teachings of other world religions.
The Reiki principles I hold for myself are:
Just for today, do not worry. I am calm.
Just for today, do not anger. I am at peace.
Be kind to all living beings.
Live your life with integrity and honesty.
Be grateful for all your blessings.
This is my declaration and commitment, as a channel for these divine energies:
To integrate the Reiki Master energy and attunement into my being with joy, to be of service to humanity, and for the expression of my soul with increasing love, grace, beauty and compassion.
To receive the gift of Reiki Healing, contact bryony@creativesoultherapies.com