Newsflash: Unveiling Your Deepest Magic Yet
As the air becomes lighter and cooler and the darkness overtakes the light once more, we are beginning our descent into the autumn time here in the Northern hemisphere.
There’s so much about magic that is appearing spontaneously - as magic does! And I suspect that this autumn and winter-time will be a period for us to really go more deeply into our magic. To access more of it. To go to another layer of what it holds for us.
As we retreat into ourselves, the Scorpio season may be particularly brimming with magic, being so attracted to the depths and the darkness as this sign is. Let’s get prepared for this time, which starts toward the end of October, but may already be making its energies felt and known.
For a recap on the magic moving into our awareness, read my recent blog here
For a deeper journey to follow for yourself during the autumn/winter time, read my “Descending Into Darkness” blogs from last year, starting here and then scrolling forward.
This will be a time where your magic will be unveiling itself to you - another layer, another piece of stardust, another piece of gold from your panning.
Your magic might hold the new seed of an idea, a sudden flash of inspiration, a new depth of joy to a connection that is special to you, a meeting of a kindred spirit. It might change the course of your life’s direction. It might awaken you to what is already present in your life. Whatever it may be, it is already on its way, just like the next season.
Magic by Andrew Melnychuk
Whatever this period holds, to be in receipt of magic requires some discipline, patience and self-awareness. Magic without conscious awareness can lead to chaos, getting frazzled, becoming ungrounded, feeling like you need to scream into the void, and the list goes on…
It’s best to be prepared for this next season and your next chapter.
While we are still in the Earth element time, let’s gather what we need to nurture and sustain ourselves for what is, as yet, unknown ahead. Think about your health, your body, the support you have and how your community nourishes your spirit. If you need something more or something different for any of these aspects of your life and wellbeing, use the next few weeks to prioritise harvesting that - gather recipes, make new connections and/or nurture old connections, join supportive groups or networks, do something new that awakens your spirit. Forage for what you need - whether that’s in hedgerows, friendships, connections or otherwise.
Carve out time for yourself - time for rest, reflection and spaces that allow new awareness to emerge. Ensure you have sufficient support. Like putting on a jacket on a colder day, that extra bit of support helps you tolerate the new season of your self. Stay connected with yourself and notice how the autumn journey feels for you at each step - spend time observing the animals, trees and insects. See them gather what they need, release what they no longer need, grow a new season’s coat. Give energy to these preparations within yourself.
Just knowing that there might be some interesting moments, extraordinary insights, sudden visions, prophetic dreams and magical meetings ahead, is a good practice in self-awareness. Follow this deepening of your magic as the Earth shifts too, remembering always to stay true and connected with yourself.
Would you like to journey with the support of a professional? See the words of previous clients here about how this work transforms their lives. Contact me at