Reviewing 2019 And Revealing The Gifts of 2020
2020 has started with a very different energy! For some it has started with a bang, a rush of energy, an influx of creativity.
2019 was a huge year of change for many people - and change that came with a sense of heaviness, difficulty, and even despair.
In contrast to 2019 there is more lightness to our year to come…
Even though the theme of change may well continue (reminding us, of course, that change is the only permanence), it should be easier. Phew. Joyful, even, if you can allow change to move through your life gracefully.
2019 demanded very hard and deep work - excavating, dredging, going to the depths of our psyches. It was intense!
So, first of all, give yourself a pat on the back for going through it and making it out the other side.
And now we can reap the rewards of our brave descent into the darkness and chaos… we emerge with treasures that had laid buried, probably for many lifetimes.
Something is different, has transformed in front of our own eyes. When you look back, you are not the same as you were a year ago - far from it. And yet, you are more of yourself.
Our hearts are lighter, we have been blessed with more grace and wisdom.
Open doorway by Eduardo Estéllez
Last year I noticed many people - myself included - resolving old family patterns and trauma, stretching back to the previous 6th or 7th generations, and in particular on the maternal line.
We have been able to retrieve the gifts of the feminine through our female lines, and this gives us a deeper and greater sense of wholeness.
Those who love us, to who we have soul connections and whose life circulates in our blood, are grateful for the work we have done. It brings their souls more peace too.
Right now, our ancestors and loved ones in spirit are showing up - offering us their gifts and strength. They are fortifying us for the year ahead and beyond.
How is this beauty and richness now able to manifest in your life?
Can you sense the deeply feminine and reverent qualities emerging from within?
Are you aware of who is accompanying you to offer your their strength and support?
We have access to deeper love, expansive joy and rich creativity. And these feminine qualities offer sweet nourishment to the masculine to grow and evolve too. We will feel this as more energy, drive, hope and positivity.
In 2020 we will reap the abundant harvest of our soul searching and allow the unfolding of our beautiful gifts. There may still be work to do, but it is likely to take the shape of physical and mental application rather than deep and excruciating soul excavation!
Imagine your path ahead through 2020 with beautifully wrapped presents placed at various points, left there by our foreknowing grandmothers. They contain abundant love, blessings and benevolence, each one tied with a ribbon of hope and a note of gratitude to your soul.