We Either Upgrade - Or We Don't
“Life is your birthright; they hid that in the fine print”
We have a choice.
After this crazy up and down, unknown roller-coaster of a year, we have a choice.
We either choose to upgrade, or we don’t. It really is as simple as that.
This isn’t about life or death as we know it - the physical body being alive or dying.
No, this is about our spirits fully embracing life, turning towards the truth, our light. Or turning away, which is a death of the spirit. An inability to live fully.
I’m not talking about upgrading your phone, computer or anything else - but rather your self-belief, relationships, even your external landscape. This is about your capacity to move beyond the pain of the past and create a new story.
We are being called to choose life - fresh, new, inspiring, out-of-our-comfort-zone LIFE.
Or the same, the unchanging, the inner death.
NAOMI at first light by European Southern Observatory
Our spirits seek evolution, learning, new wisdom, an expansion of consciousness. It is why we are here - to learn and grow, evolve and ignite our creativity.
If we close ourselves down against it, then our inner flame goes dim or maybe even goes out. We go on functioning in the world, but not really living.
So which way will you choose?
Can you hear the voice of your soul?
Where are you being called to change and transform?
This is a great blog to see which areas of your life are key right now - Katie Sweetman’s Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign guide.
Do it.
Upgrade. Transform. Overcome fear.
And step into your highest self expression, mastery, joy and brightness. Step into Love - the spirit and magic of life itself.
This is the energy point. The Universe is asking us a question, inviting us to step forward.
All you have to do is make your choice.
Work with me bryony@creativesoultherapies.com