What Makes You Vulnerable Is What Makes You Precious
Vulnerability can be hard, and it is beautiful.
It can feel like the soft skin of a newborn, their tiny fingers and toes arriving in utmost trust into the world.
It can feel like the meaningful and warm meeting of eyes, the opportunity to glimpse inside another soul and to see your own reflected back.
It can feel like free-falling, carried only by the breath of the wind.
Vulnerability is our essential nature, and we cannot truly live, love deeply and flourish without it.
However, our vulnerability has become very human in its complexity, in its need to navigate the unspoken beliefs of society.
As we grow, we learn - very astutely - to keep the vulnerable aspects of ourselves carefully covered - having learned the rules of our family and society about what is, or isn’t, acceptable.
It is in this way that our vulnerability - our playfulness, our expression, our hope, our spontaneity, our emotion, our joy - becomes something to be protected.
Then we must go through the reverse process of uncovering our vulnerability, to once again return to our true nature.
Rose Shinjugai (a pearl oyster) by T.Kiya
The truth is that what makes us vulnerable is also what makes us precious.
It is vulnerability that is the key to your true essence.
Take these words slowly into your heart…
Your tears are precious.
They are a sacred connection to the soul of the Earth, watering her with what is real and what is true.
Your laughter is precious.
It connects you to the wonders of the universe and beyond, dancing in the dark, infinite sky.
Your fear is precious.
The trembling connects you with the whole of humanity, in all of our imperfect and strange divinity.
Your playfulness is precious.
The innocence of fun and discovery connects you with all things that are possible and lifts your eyes to the gift of hope.
Your imagination is precious.
The colours and connections arising from your dreams are absolutely unique, and offer an essential thread in the tapestry of life.
Your emotions are precious.
They open you, sometimes painfully, to empathy and connection with all sentient beings and the grace of your soul.
Your vulnerability is precious.
It connects you with your truth, your authentic self and your joy.
A gentle place to explore your essential self with bryony@creativesoultherapies.com