Full Moon January 2019: The Great Illumination

January’s full wolf moon - just after 5am UK time on Monday 21st - is howling with light.

Can you hear it? There is no missing it, even in the darkness.

There is so much being illuminated by this full moon, calling our inner light to break out of the darkness that feels centuries old.

We are being called to awaken to another layer of our true nature.

If you have been feeling constrained, restricted or in the dark, you are being reminded that you are here to shine. Stuck in a negative pattern? Now is the time you will really be able to see it, to feel it, transform it… and to let it go.

This full moon is tying in with the themes that arose towards the end of 2018: of returning to your true self and of knowing your true value. It also is connected to the coming time of Imbolc, which celebrates the return of Spring - the return of more light and growth.

For so many people, who have lived with a shadow over them for as long as they can remember, that shadow is finally being seen under the great illumination.

Like the moonlight by Takashi .M

Like the moonlight by Takashi .M

The truth is that the shadow or the darkness has no courage in the face of the light.

The light is calling us back home. We are called to illuminate ourselves to great depths. To steer a clear path of light over the coming year.

And we are being called to connect with the true source of our inner light - with the Divine Great Mystery. That which we cannot understand or comprehend, but which we can know in our hearts and souls.

Allow the moon to wash over you this full moon season, and become drenched in light.

Full moon suggestions to maximise your light:

  • Spend time under the full moon “moon bathing”

  • Honour the moon with body, mind and soul with the yoga poses from Moon Salutation

    I highly recommend Melissa West Yoga and her class From Darkness to Light

  • Practice the Divine Light Invocation (book by Swami Sivananda Radha)

    Search for videos online or see here for a written description of the practice.

May the following words from the Divine Light Invocation bless you on your path of light under this full moon:

I am created by Divine Light

I am sustained by Divine Light

I am protected by Divine Light

I am surrounded by Divine Light

I am ever growing in Divine Light”

Where will your light lead you? Order an Angel Reading before January 31st to find out: Go to the e-store and type “Word 2019” in the information box when prompted.

Would you like to discover more of your inner light over the coming year? Work with me in person or via Skype on bryony@creativesoultherapies.com