The World Needs The Visionaries

Imagine a beautiful picture created by billions of pixels - some parts in focus, some unfocused; some in light, some in darker shades.

Each one of those pixels is a world of its very own, with its own unique picture. When the individual pixels become clearer, the entire image begins to gain greater resolution.

Each one of those pixels is a visionary - each one of those pixels is a human being with a dream of a fair, beautiful and sustainable world.

One of those pixels is you.

Your visions - your dreams - are intimately connected with the vision for all Life.

The great picture is the dream of the Earth - of healthy streams and rivers, of expansive clean seas and oceans, of animals free to swim and roam and climb and leap and soar.

Of trillions of trees stretching up into the clouds.

Of billions of bees, merrily feeding on bountiful nectar.

dreaming by Frank-Bernard

dreaming by Frank-Bernard

Is the picture emerging?

We need to clean up our act, and to do that the world needs the visionaries.

The people who can see a sustainable and harmonious planet.

The people willing to take action.

When you become clear on what sustains and nourishes you, when you become clear on your soul purpose and life path, and when you live in balance and harmony with the natural world, then we can see how each pixel contributes to the overall picture.

Never think that your part is not important.

If you are here at this time, you and your dreams are important.

Your actions in the world are important.

And the time to act is now.