Tuning Into Your Instincts, Your Gut and Your Heart
Trusting your instincts is something that comes naturally in the animal kingdom, and yet human beings in the trend of our current society tend to ignore the quiet voice inside, the sensations of our bodies and the wisdom of our hearts.
Perhaps it is thought of as primordial, and therefore primitive. Our rational minds have all the answers we need - or do they?
Your instincts are an innate trait, inborn. Part of our complex understanding of ourselves, life and the environment around us. There are instincts for survival, and there are also higher level instincts guiding us on our soul's path and purpose.
Even when we ignore - or forget - about our instincts, our bodies continue to remind us. It may be uncomfortable, but really it is fantastic genius! Those various aches, pains, and feelings. What is your body communicating to you?
Your heart speaks in the language of emotion and interacts with your spirit through your dreams and quiet time. There is information flowing into your consciousness, if you can be open enough to hear it.
letters in the sky, scott richards by torbakhopper
If you can slow down and tune into the sensations, take time to recall and write down your dreams, and pause for self-reflection, then you will begin to remember the language of your deepest knowing.
Learning to tune into that voice of inner wisdom is like learning a language - often one that hasn't been spoken for a long time. It is a language which will bear many similarities to others, and yet it is uniquely yours. Your personal experiences, memories and metaphors will shape the language like a piece of art.
Kinesiology is a great way to reconnect with the meaning of your body's language, of its symptoms and emotions. By tapping into your body's energy system we build a picture using words, emotions, mystery and the body itself.
As the picture grows, so you become fluent in the language of your soul, guided by your own natural intuition and wisdom on your path...
Reconnect with the language of your heart, gut and deepest knowing with bryony@creativesoultherapies.com