Healing Your Monthly Cycle (For Women)

Period pains, cramping, emotional mood swings… the list goes on. For many women, menstruation can be painful, challenging and generally just gets in the way.

Learning to recognise the wisdom of your body, rejoice in your capacity for creativity and to reduce the pain associated with periods is a journey many women have taken. Perhaps now it is your time to reclaim your female power.

So how can you come into balance, and in doing so heal your monthly cycle?

I have written previous blogs about masculine and feminine energies, and it is about cultivating balance between them both. We live in a masculine-dominated society, with historical (and current) oppression of the feminine.

The key is in re-connecting and honouring the feminine energies within us, the principles which support a balanced society and which promote harmony and peace for individuals, groups, humanity and all life.

Here are a few thoughts to consider.


The feminine energies shift over a lifetime, beginning as purity and innocence, blossoming into sexuality, sacred beauty, passion and creativity, birthing with nourishment, tenderness and love (which can be fierce!), and maturing through wisdom, intuition and groundedness.

Can you honour all aspects of the feminine?

If you notice one or two - or all - of these qualities that feel a little uncomfortable or unknown to you, listen to that. Be with this and invite each quality to go on a journey with you and teach you about this essential aspect of yourself.


The feminine is yin energy in Chinese Medicine. Yin is the energy of the darkness of the womb, the deep holding and security of the Earth, the depths and flow of water, and the life-giving properties of both.

To truly connect to your feminine energy, you will need to turn inwards and get to know yourself. This will inevitably involve coming to know your own darkness, richness and the space within yourself which carries the capacity for life.

You might like to work with a practitioner like myself, or someone near you, to explore your inner world and heal any imbalances as a result of lifestyle, culture or history.


Good quality, healthy food is essential to a healthy body, healthy hormones and a healthy menstrual cycle. As a society we have grown far apart from the cultivation of food, towards an approach which is ‘power-over’ the feminine and has lead to the mass use of pesticides and the destruction of many fragile ecosystems, insects and bees.

Think both about what food you eat, and also how you source it. Go local and organic, shop in farm shops, grow your own or join a vegetable box scheme. Not only does this nourish you, but it has a wider impact on nature.

Reducing stimulants like caffeine and reducing sugar are also important for establishing a healthy hormone balance. Additionally, the principle of nourishment should also be applied to sleep and water intake, as well as daily activities. Getting enough good rest and staying hydrated are also important for hormones and the feminine balance in the body.

Nourishment is closely connected with receiving, and many women in today’s society can struggle with receiving from others. Work through any barriers (often mental and cultural) you may have in order to open up to receiving and giving in balance.


Stress sends the body into chaos. Helpful in a split-second need to defend and survive, but less helpful in a driven, busy, pressurised, noisy, non-stop society. The effects of chronic stress are that cortisol impacts reproductive hormones by reducing the amount of progesterone, which in turns reduces the amount of oestrogen available. The growth of follicles in the ovaries and the maturation of the ovum are hindered by these physiological changes, and can lead to an inability to become pregnant.

The counter measure is not to try harder or to push through your body’s messages to slow down, but to actually slow down. To pause, rest and relax. To take naps, to take a bath. To sit and breathe. To walk in nature. To see the flowers and smile. To heal adrenal fatigue. To not need to go anywhere. To practice gentleness.

Support your parasympathetic nervous system (rest & relax) with restorative yoga. Here’s a link to Restorative Yoga for PMS

Red Side Light Reynolda Gardens by Mary Bailey Thomas

Red Side Light Reynolda Gardens by Mary Bailey Thomas


Any abuse or misuse of the feminine is passed down through generations, and may also be felt from the historical mistreatment and violence against women in the collective group. Other kinds of trauma passed down and felt through the bodies of women can involve unborn babies, miscarriages and abortions. Unknowingly, we may be feeling reproductive or pelvic pain from a previous member of our family.

In my work, I have found that violence and sexual assault against women is a direct contributor to the pain felt by women during their bleeding. It is my belief that violence, and particularly sexual abuse, are held by the tissues and muscles associated with the female pelvic area, vulva, vagina and even by the uterus.

There are many women around the world today who continue to experience sexual abuse and violence. I believe that the healing of each woman is important, to acknowledge the pain, suffering, anger and rage held within the body in order to be able to heal.


The power and strength of the feminine (regardless of gender) often come in a subtle form. This, however, does not make them weak.

Intuition, mystery, softness, tenderness and compassion are gifts. They breathe life into the world and they sustain and nourish children, creating future generations.

At other times, female power may be fierce, assertive, sensual or without apology. This is important, because culturally, and almost universally, women are expected to be meek or apologise for owning their power.


Emotions are often associated with women, though of course in truth all people feel emotions. In order to feel our emotions, we need to be connected with our bodies. As a woman, that means to be connected to your female body, which includes the deep yin energies mentioned earlier. There is great power to emotionality, as this is the most direct route to our soul.

How able are you to embrace and express your emotional life?

Healing of the feminine is also about self-expression. In Chinese Medicine the sound of the Earth element is singing. Song, dance, creative self-expression and being in community are all ways of bringing healing.


In many traditions, the Earth is the feminine aspect (the sky being the masculine) and should be honoured as such.

Think how much of the Earth has been abused and misused, destroyed, ravaged and attacked. There is a lack of respect for the life-giving power of the Earth, and our absolute dependence on her.

We see these same parallels at global and national levels, as we do within our own communities and within our own bodies and relationships.

Therefore, a key aspect of healing is to connect with, respect and honour the Earth, truly realising our interdependence with the planet and all other forms of life, and finding sustainable ways of continuing in this relationship with the greatest of females.


  • Respect the need to rest, withdraw and retreat

  • Honour your yin qualities of reflection, quietness and intuition

  • Set your boundaries firmly and learn to say ‘No’ to what you don’t want

  • Reduce stress daily and throughout your weeks, months and years

  • Plan quiet days for ‘being’ without having to do anything

  • Practice gentle forms of exercise like yin or restorative yoga, especially before and during menstruation

  • Eat wholesome, quality foods (local & homegrown or organic keeps you close to the Earth)

  • Care for the Earth and environment

  • Allow yourself to be cared for and nurtured

  • Heal your female line and any collective female oppression affecting you

  • Embody power-from-within rather than ‘power-over’ mentality

  • Make space for creativity, song, dance and community

Fundamentally, healing your monthly cycle comes down to loving your body, owning your feminine power and walking lightly as part of the Earth.

Heal your monthly cycle by reclaiming your feminine, in person or by Skype with bryony@creativesoultherapies.com

Massage for women’s health with Bella Aris at www.oxfordwellwoman.co.uk

Local farm shop in Oxfordshire (part of ten mile menu) at Sandy Lane Farm