Walk Lightly On The Earth, For You Walk Upon Your Own Dreams
“Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.”
This blog title is a modified line from the poem ‘The Cloths of Heaven’ by W B Yeats. I was given this poem some years ago now, and I love its sentiment and simplicity.
It spoke to me today while out walking, as a call to us collectively as human beings. We are living in a time of climate change, crisis and catastrophe on the Earth.
We must be awake and aware to this realisation - at both a personal and collective level.
This poem was written as if from one person to another, but here I heard this line relating to our connection with the Earth and also with ourselves.
“Walk lightly / Tread softly...”
This speaks to me of sustainability - of taking no more than we need.
Of doing no harm.
Of walking with respect and reverence on this truly astonishing planet that holds just the right conditions for life.
Of the softness of the Earth and the fortitude of the life force present in all living beings - the beautiful paradox of life.
Of carbon footprints - will your footprint be light?
Western society dictates that we should make our mark, be the biggest and the best, and also accumulate the biggest and the best. But is this really what is important?
Surely the health of the planet is what is truly important. And that requires that we see through this cultural conditioning.
Instead to choose to live lightly. To go lightly. To be the best version of ourselves with an awesome depth of humility - this is the greatest challenge to our egos.
Lily Pads Close Up by Monik Markus
“Walk lightly on the Earth…
…For you walk upon your own dreams.”
How profound and humbling to make that connection with yourself.
That you are a part of life, an essential aspect of creation.
That the very foundation of your life - your body - is so deeply connected to the Earth that you cannot manifest your dreams without it.
This implies an element of grace, as well as humility.
We must move with grace - respecting the balance of life and the greatness of every dream.
As the original line in the poem suggests, we must also consider the dreams of the other - of the people in our lives, of their children, of people we haven’t met, and of their children too.
If our dreams are to continue to be here, for our children and for future generations to walk the earth, we must walk very lightly indeed.
If one (through ignorance, greed etc.) chooses to destroy the planet and its delicately balanced ecosystems, then one destroys themselves and their own dreams in the process. This is one dream (read: nightmare) that we all must encourage each other to awaken from.
Walk lightly, dear ones.
Stand up for the Earth. Campaign, act, dream, live.