Creative Soul Therapies

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Exploring Chinese Medicine: Support For Your Governing Meridian

As we in the Northern Hemisphere are beginning a new cycle in the element of Wood, with the associated season Spring, the Central and Governing meridians are also working behind the scenes to support your overall energy balance - what is needed, what is stored and what is being released.

In Chinese Medicine, the main energy channel at the back of your body is known as the Governing Vessel or 'Sea of Yang' and is a Major Extraordinary Vessel (another is the Conception Vessel).

The Governing Meridian runs up the centre of your body from your coccyx (lower back) over the top of your head to beneath your nose.

It supports many of your body and energy functions, specifically the Yang functions of strengthening the body, clearing the mind and stabilising the spirit. In balance, it contributes to standing strong, feeling enriched and structured in life, and with a sense of self responsibility and integrity.

If it is out of balance, you may feel unable to stand straight, feeling burdened, overly controlled or self-destructive.

The Governing meridian is related to the functions of storing energy, receiving sunlight and 'white light', and maintaining structure as circumstances change, for example climate, season, your environment or the stages of your life.

The Governing meridian can be associated with the largest organ in your body: the skin.

The importance of your skin is often overlooked, yet it provides an amazing array of functions. These include protection from the outside environment and microorganisms, temperature regulation and the reception of sensations through a variety of nerve endings. It provides storage for fat in adipose tissue, production and storage of Vitamin D3, and the excretion of waste materials through sweat.

Your skin, or integumentary system, is also connected to the lymphatic system, the blood network, and has a large number of sensory nerves.

Here are a few ways you can support and strengthen your Governing meridian:


Think about what you put on your skin. Are you minimising harmful ingredients? Are the products you use natural and free from parabens, sodium lauryl sulphate, silicones and other toxins?

Your skin is your body's first line of defence to maintaining its strength and stability. Many of the mainstream products for sale strip away your body's natural production of oils (sebum).

Opt for natural skincare instead - including shampoos, soaps, conditioner, hand wash etc. which are readily available in alternative or health stores. Or make your own!

Heap of linseeds by Marco Verch


Our body needs fat - as storage for fat-soluble vitamins, for the production of Vitamin D3 and hormones, and as a layer of protection for internal organs.

What your body needs is good fat - a healthy balance of omega 3-, 6- and 9-fatty acids. This means reducing saturated fat from animal products and processed foods, and shifting the focus to nuts, seeds and plants.

To avoid the problem of heavy metals and plastic microbeads from fish sources, opt for a plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids such as


Go out every day to receive the natural light of the sun on your skin - even if it is cloudy.

In winter, go out in the middle of the day to assist your Pineal Gland and circadian rhythm. In summer, spend time in the sunshine in the early morning and evening without sun cream to aid metabolism of Vitamin D.

Spending time outside in the elements can help you flow with changes in the seasons and adjust to changes in your environment too.


White light strengthens your Governing meridian, balances your energy and helps you let go of emotional, spiritual and energetic burdens.

Try practices like Reiki for an infusion of healing white light to strengthen and stabilise your spirit. White light is not usually visible for most people, but can often be felt as heat during a treatment.

Strengthen your Governing meridian with