Creative Soul Therapies

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Spiritual Support During Your Life Changes

Life changes can be big or small, expected or unexpected, internal or external.

Sometimes we actively choose to make changes, such as moving home or job or changing career or relationships. 

At other times, change may suddenly appear as if from nowhere, and we do the best we can to manage the new situation.

Change is a natural part of life, and yet often it can feel quite scary. There may be fears of the unknown, of the future, or of making the 'wrong' decision.

I think it is essential that we have support during any life change, especially life changes that affect our inner world or as we seek to gain more self-understanding and awareness. 

Regardless of your spiritual or religious views, angels are always alongside us and ready to offer their support and guidance when you ask for their help.

by Dennis Jarvis

Archangel Michael is a powerful archangel and protector, who brings spiritual strength and courage to those who call on him.

His name means "who is like God" and he is known in many religious teachings as a guardian of the people.

If your life change is linked to your life purpose then Archangel Michael is an especially powerful ally to call on. 

My personal way of working with angels or archangels is to simply ask them to be present with me, or to surround a particular situation. Then I say thank you for protection, guidance, or whatever it is that I am requesting.

"Archangel Michael, thank you for guiding me during this life change, and offering me your strength and protection."

When you call on Archangel Michael, you may feel a sense of peace, warmth or tingling around your body, or you may feel nothing at all. There is no right or wrong way, as it is a personal connection that you are making.

You can connect with Archangel Michael in any way that feels good to you. For example, you may like to attend a church named for Saint Michael, or ask him to send guidance through your dreams.

"Archangel Michael, thank you for protecting me as I sleep and communicating your guidance to me through my dreams."

Wishing you powerful angelic support as you make important life changes!

Connect with a higher source of guidance on your journey, with an Angel Reading

If you are ready to make changes to improve your life, find out how complementary therapies can help you by contacting