Creative Soul Therapies

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What Does 'Light Touch' Mean in Reiki Healing?

The gentle nature of energy healing is often a contrast to daily life, and may therefore be misunderstood.

In Western culture we have been taught to believe that "bigger is better" and "no pain, no gain". Plus, many of our workplace cultures suffer from a dog-eat-dog corporate structure.

This thinking affects how we approach our bodies, as well as our minds. We push ourselves beyond our mental and emotional limits, and rarely create sufficient balance in our lives to manage the demands on our time and energy.

The need for light touch, kindness and compassion, may be passed by or overlooked.

When it comes to healing, people often find it difficult to relax or switch off from the fast and demanding pace of their life.

The irony is that it is most likely the over-activity and intensity of a busy and rushed life, that has brought you to a point of stress, fatigue or dis-ease.

by David Blackwell.

In Reiki Healing and most energy medicine, the concept of light touch is paramount.

Light touch includes the gentle placement of the practitioner's hands during a Reiki treatment. It is also means having respect for your physical body and emotions, and honouring what you are ready to heal or let go of.

Light touch simply allows whatever is to be, without needing to force change. The paradox is that by the act of witnessing, energy is then freed for positive transformation and healing.

Light touch is the practitioner's ability to listen to the body using their senses and intuition. This skill requires a quiet, calm and sensitive approach to the person, their body and energy.

For me, light touch is also associated with the energy of the angels. Angels have a gentle, soft and loving presence and at the same time bring powerful, healing energy. Sometimes the lightest touch can be the most significant.

Light touch sends a soothing signal to the brain, activating the parasympathetic nervous system and allowing the body to relax.

For example, if you lay down and place your hands on your stomach in a firm way for 30 seconds, what do you feel?

Now allow your hands to relax and move slightly further away, while still touching your body gently. What do you feel?

You may experience less physical sensation, because there is less contact with the stomach area. Instead you may notice that your diaphragm and breathing becomes deeper, as your body relaxes, and moves upward to meet your hands.

When you breathe more deeply, and your body is treated gently and respectfully, this is where healing takes place.

What is one way you will introduce the concept of light touch into your life?

To find out more about the gentle therapy of Reiki contact