Creative Soul Therapies

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Blooming and Blossoming in Spring

Following the recent New Moon and embracing the energies of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, now is a time to continue to open, express your true self and share your joy and purpose with the world.

Truly this year has been abundant with daffodils and primroses, and now there are plenty of other blossoms joining them.

The colours of many Spring buds, yellow and pink,  are both associated with joy and lightness, as well as sweetness and newness. They combine the personal will with matters of the heart. 

by liz west

Spend some time outdoors witnessing the blooms of nature. As you take the time to notice the beauty of nature, ask yourself what beauty within you is waiting to be revealed.

Recently I have been noticing the gorgeous magnolia blossoms beginning to flower in the warming sunshine.

Magnolias are known as a symbol of longevity.

What is it within you that has been longing to be expressed? What is your soul wishing to express in this lifetime?

Connect to your vision for your life, to your life purpose and your long-term goals.

What is ready to blossom?

To connect to your true self, inner beauty and life purpose, contact