Creative Soul Therapies

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New Moon & Eclipse Energy for August 21st 2017

There's a lot of buzz about this new moon and solar eclipse (latter in the US) on August 21st. Can you feel it?

There is a strong energetic intensity which has been building in the last few weeks. And in the world there is a rising sense of fear, despair and chaos, which all add to the rather strange vibe around.

Stepping back from all of the noise, it is clear to see that this eclipse is like a wave, a crescendo, and a particularly powerful and potent time.

Believe it or not, there is a gift within it.

It is like a gateway, which some are calling the Emerald Gateway. This offers us space for personal and collective transformation. We will be different on the other side.

Eclipse by motjetom

The key theme of this new moon and eclipse seems to be letting go of old patterns, specifically those which have roots in your ancestry - either blood or spiritual ancestry.

This is why so much seems to be coming up to the surface right now, in ourselves and in world affairs. Primordial patterns, power struggles and negative ancestral influences.

[I do not think events in the US are a coincidence, given the solar eclipse there]

Now is the time to let go of the past.

In my work at the moment, the letting go seems to be fairly easy (sometimes this is the really hard part of healing work). But surrendering and letting go have an ease about them right now. As if the moon is lifting it from you, if only you are willing to take a look at what it is.

And I think it is easier too, because this pattern did not begin with you.

It came from before, from a different generation, from a different time. And you don't need it any more; we do not need it in our world any more.

Letting go of an old pattern allows you to replace it with something new. And we have the wisdom to choose now - would you like to live with more beauty, love or vitality?

This new moon is one more step toward wholeness and integration. And it's your time to step through the gateway.



This new moon, make sure you are giving yourself extra time and space to stay centred and grounded. The sensitives among us will likely feel it the most.

  • Take regular salt baths
  • Spend plenty of time in nature
  • Give yourself time for meditation
  • Tune into your own energy
  • Drink water and stay well hydrated
  • Listen & watch positive programmes/news
  • Gaze at the night-time sky and stars
  • Connect to other dimensions of light
  • Allow new downloads and time to process

Wishing you a magical August 21st!

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