Creative Soul Therapies

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Another Interruption to Your Regular Broadcast

These are not normal times folks. Remember that glitch in the matrix I wrote about a while ago, well, here’s another interruption to life as normal.

Stop scrolling, start feeling. Tune in.

The shift is happening. Like the breaking away of an ice sheet or the movement of the wing of a butterfly. And it will affect you. If not now, then sometime. It’s best to be on the front of that wave: aware, awake and connected to your true nature. Working in harmony with the glitch, with the interruption, caused by forces much greater than you.

We live in extraordinary times, and extraordinary people are feeling that.

In recent client sessions, magic has been emerging. Some of it is shadowy, elusive magic, some of it shrouded and silver, some big magic, fiery magic, walking-through-portals magic. All kinds of magic.

If you find yourself unprepared, lost, not ready, in a spin or wildly emotional and ungrounded, you may need to reconnect with your magic through this shift.

Back in July, I said something new and sacred was going to emerge: this is it - your magic.

If you think I’m bullshitting or living in la la land, I’m not.

Magic can be regular, human, everyday stuff like love, human connection, creativity, art. It’s the enzymes in your body and the involuntary breath in your lungs. It can be spiritual - divine inspiration and ecstasy, poetry and music. Magic can be that electric magnetism someone has when in a state of joy and flow or a pregnant women hosting the creation of life inside of them second by second.

There are those moments when you meet someone new and your soul just knows. When you receive a message from a stranger that hits home - whether that’s a mundane moment picking up a coffee or a meeting with a psychic medium. It’s all magic.

Magic looks like nothing and everything, but you feel it.

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It’s imagination overcoming frozen trauma states. It’s conjuring up images - why do we use the word conjure for both magic and imagination? Because they are also one and the same. We are conjurers - we can conjure spirits (be careful with this one - don’t go messing about with what you don’t know) and we can conjure up new lives, new possibilities.

We are magic when we connect with our imagination. We can envisage anything; as humans we have the potential to imagine multiple possible futures in a timeline stretching away from us. This is magic - simple, human magic.

It’s healing work and therapeutic work and witnessing the profound transformation within a person’s psyche, bringing freedom, growth, joy, empowerment and peace.

Essentially, magic is about alchemy. Transformation. It’s about making something appear that was not physical before. It is materialising. Making visible what was invisible. Sometimes it’s making something obsolete that was there and you thought would never change.

Everything changes so everything is magic. Magic is change, movement. Magic is life - birth, death and rebirth.

Magic works through portals, doorways, cocoons. Spaces to enter and leave, spaces to grow and change.

Now is the time to own your magic, to remember some forgotten part of your amazing nature. Breathe it back into being. Awaken the dragon, awaken the mountain, awaken the butterfly and activate your incredible divine presence by reclaiming this power.

This might look like a breakdown, or a breakthrough. A breakdown is the inability of the mind to live with the past version of reality you constructed or bought into - the lies, the sickness, the untruths that do not speak to your soul. A breakthrough is a realignment of your soul with your human forces, a masterpiece in reinvention and true soul magic.

I have the privilege of witnessing breakthroughs day by day, month by month, year by year with committed clients. Perhaps they need my witch-like nature to awaken their own inner magic; perhaps they simply need a reliable and trusted human connection.

Such is the simple magic of witnessing - the humanness of having someone alongside you on your journey and the spirit of holding space for the divine to enter.

What new space within yourself are you being called to enter? Where is the new version of yourself just waiting? What is ready to be birthed anew?

You have the magic to do it. Get ready, get ahead of the curve.

Need a little help to find your magic and navigate your next step? Contact