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Exploring Neurodivergence: Aquarian Energy

Recently I’ve been exploring my own neurodivergence, as well as the neurodivergence of others, and journeying with various reflections through this blog. You can read the previous blogs here, here and here.

My sense of my own neurodivergence has been emerging simultaneously with the awareness of my Aquarian energy, which sits as my rising sign in my astrology chart. They go hand-in-hand; perhaps they are one and the same. To me, the Aquarian energy moves like waves - just as the zodiac symbol does, albeit somewhat softer and less jagged. Like waves an on endless ocean, they have been flowing towards me this year, reawakening this aspect of my brain, wiring and being.

These waves bring the energy of personal evolution, which in turn is the energy of collective evolution. They have the capacity to move through mind, body, spirit and physical matter, and touch the soul. It’s like a gentle touch of a butterfly landing, it’s the touch of Divine Grace.

As a result, some of this energy is beyond words, or I am trying to capture something in words which is in pure energy form. It’s a detached energy - it can show up through emotion, body movement, expressions of love, thoughtful silence, the simple act of accompaniment. It seems to me as if it is pure potential, or potential which has not yet been brought into form - material, thought, word, emotion, song, dance. It’s like the potential of creativity, the zero, the void, the before.

I’ve written often before about potential, energy, emotion, creativity. And now I’m seeing it through the Aquarian lens. I’ll try and outline some of these impressions and thoughts below.

If you resonate with these descriptions, or are curious about how Aquarius features in your life and psyche, check out your birth chart - there are many free online tools - and see how Aquarian energy fits into your life picture.

Repeating 11s

One quick indicator that Aquarius might resonate with you is seeing repeating 11s, like 1:11 or 11:11. I have been shown that this is associated with Aquarius energy, as well as awakening you to your life path or purpose. If you’re already on the path, it could be attempting to direct your attention to how your path is evolving and the mission you are here to do.

As 1 represents the human, the individual, so multiple 1s (111, 1111 etc.) represent humanity as a collective, while respecting the individuality of each person. If you’re anything like me, then you have to stay fiercely true to who you are because within this individuality is your mission.

Sometimes the universe plays with me and I see repeating 23s too, like 23:23 on the clock!

An odd shape

As an Aquarian (which feels the same to me as my neurodivergence) I feel like an odd shape. A rhombus, a rainbow fish, a set of colourful geometric shapes looking out into a sea of other people who fit into the regular mould of ‘human being’, or at least seem to (I know we’re good at blending in).

Sometimes I feel ‘at one’ with people, as if we are all part of the same wave where we breathe and move in synchronisation and unspoken harmony. Like a morphic field of starlings or a shoal of fish. A place of deep understanding. This is probably also that magic place of synchronicity and the oneness we seek.

At other times I feel like a square peg in a round hole. Or rather, as I described previously, like a rhombus in a round hole - not designed to fit. It can be painful, to feel so different at a deep level of the core of my being. Especially compared with the joy of finding the rhombus-shaped place and feeling that sense of unquestionable oneness and connection.

I’m going to suggest that anyone who feels or appears different or oddly-shaped somehow, is likely to be neurodivergent, and might also have some influential Aquarian vibes in their personal astrology - let me know!

The Water Bearer

Aquarius is associated with the figure of Ganymede from Greek mythology, chosen by Zeus for his grace and beauty. He is sold to Zeus by his father and asked to pour water and wine for all of the Gods. One day, he pours the water continuously, along with his tears of pain and grief, causing the earth below to flood and the cups of the Gods to run dry. Zeus realises Ganymede’s pain and grants him immortality in the constellation we now know as Aquarius.

In this story, we see passion, grace, beauty, pain and transcendence. And we see a very clear connection to water, which is often associated with emotions.

While associated with water in mythology, in astrology Aquarius is classified as an air sign and therefore associated with the mental plane, thinking, intellect. We can see this in the Aquarian energy of detachment and observation from afar - like Ganymede.

In this way, a unique energy is found in Aquarius - the connection to water and the association with air. The flow of feelings and the intellect of the mind or consciousness. Both particle and wave. Emotion and thought.

Water and air are a strange combination, it would seem. Usually separate, each meets at the edge of the other. And yet, oxygen and hydrogen combine to make up the chemical composition of water. Separately, these two are gases - air. Together, they are water. And life’s most vital respiration occurs through the changing of their forms, their willingness to join and become the other.

So, we can witness the alchemy of these elements and how water can become greater than the sum of its parts, becoming denser. In the same way, Aquarius carries this ability to feel into the collective, as well as take the position of detached observer.

מים מסמלים רגשות by zeevveez

Divergent minds

In the recent series of blogs on neurodivergence, I deliberately asked the question: How do you resonate with the words quirky, outsider and humanitarian?

You can see from my own descriptions, and from the discussion above, that there is something of an ‘outsider’ quality to Aquarian energy - the ability to detach and observe, as well as feeling different somehow. This might reveal itself in a quirkiness - in personality, dress, style or interests - that doesn’t quite fit with the ‘norm’. Because of the Aquarian ability to tap into the collective - both in thought and feeling - it often creates a feeling of wanting to make the world better, of being humanitarian in some way that may not be important to others.

Many of the neurodivergent people I interviewed resonated with these descriptions - some very strongly. I certainly resonate with them deeply, and they speak to both my Aquarian-ness and my neurodivergence.

The Visionary

Aquarius energy is visionary. It sees and feels simultaneously, giving it vast information. As we have seen with the wave energy, it spreads out in every direction, carrying thought, feeling and message from many realms - past, present and future.

Aquarius usually has to be different, think differently. To pursue new knowledge, new ways of doing things, to innovate and create. Oftentimes, to be a little bit ahead in time, looking around the next bend in the road. People with some kind of neurodivergence often think very differently to the average neurotypical person, too.

It took me a long time to realise that not everyone thinks this way or experiences the world as I do. That my strength of feeling and wanting to make the world a better place is not necessarily shared by all people. That the ability to feel into the future or into the collective, isn’t ordinarily something experienced by everyone. I don’t know the rules of the universe and whether anyone could tap into this if they chose to, but I do know that some people are born different (neurodivergent or otherwise) and some feel called into a visionary or alternative way of life.

The Visionary shows up in artists, philosophers, mediums, healers, designers, writers, inventors, futurists.

Embodying some element of Aquarius inevitably means seeing into the future and/or creating something better for humanity. This is the visionary energy - the capacity to be detached, observe and notice patterns, while simultaneously noticing the ripples of the future moving towards our consciousness. This synergy of what we observe now and what we can see emerging from the future, combine to create the futuristic capacity of Aquarius.

Even as a visionary and as a seer, it is hard for me to see all of myself. Aquarian energy captures something of the essence of myself, a way of metaphorically describing my inner abilities and differences.

A higher purpose

Are you one of those people who wants to make a positive difference in the world?

Aquarian energy works with the good of the collective, or the higher purpose of humanity - from communities to global networks to the entire planet.

With its detached outlook, it can see with a wide perspective. Just like floating in an air balloon or taking a helicopter ride, you can see more from above. The divisions fade, the borders become irrelevant, and the global connection, unity and breath-taking beauty (or destruction) become evident. So, too, do the patterns. From a wider perspective, patterns can emerge easily - patterns of habits, behaviours, culture, collective thinking. From identifying patterns, solutions or interventions become more apparent too.

With its emotional connection and water-bearing of the collective, Aquarius energy can feel into the soul of the whole. Just as the vibrations move easily through water, or the call of a whale reaches across many miles, the Aquarian antenna tunes into collective energy. It can also tune into messages from Source or Earth, encouraging us to follow our soul’s highest expression and higher purpose.

Many neurodivergent people feel that there is something deep in their soul to complete, something they are here to contribute, to uplift humanity.

Getting the mission done

All that drive to be in the world for a higher purpose, gives Aquarians a strong sense of a mission to be completed (hands up - that’s me!).

As I wrote about in this blog, one of the pains of being neurodivergent and different is a longing for home. The only reason to stay, at least in my mind, is that the strength of my part in the collective mission outweighs the longing I may feel individually to ‘go home’.

So, the only answer for me, is to focus and get the mission done, here on planet Earth. I know there are thousands, if not millions, also resonating with this kind of frequency and already starting or doing their work in the collective.

Thank you to all of you other stars and water-bearers out there: let’s get the mission done.

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