Creative Soul Therapies

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A Look Back At What's Been Shaking Up in 2019

Anyone else think there is phenomenal transformation happening? A huge rising up at all levels: social, environmental, personal and political.

Perhaps my historical view is a little too short, and there have been many moments like this before. Or perhaps the climate emergency is fueling an under-swell of existential tension.

Whatever the reasons, the worldwide movements sweeping the globe are shaking up old systems.

This is not just any usual ‘change’; this feels like CHANGE.

Super-charged, super-powered, momentous CHANGE.


As I look back over the blog posts from this year, I see that all of these themes have been present in the extraordinary mix of 2019’s transition and transformation.

Here is a recap, with links in case you want to take a few moments and review your own journey…

First of all, the light (or new information/illumination) blasted us in January.

This was our wake up call - the deepest inner call we may ever have received to illuminate our truth. As I said back in January, it was also our calling “to connect with the true source of our inner light - with the Divine Great Mystery”.

We got cracked by the Creator

We saw the beginning of this up-swell in our cracking like the first lightbeam of the sunrise and breaking like a wave upon the shore

It became clear that the shift was a huge rebirthing of the sacred feminine, as if the Goddess was giving birth to herself (hard to imagine I know!). The scale is mind-blowing: sense the power and energy of a single, human birth and then multiply that by infinity, by the mass of a trillion Suns.

It’s interesting that so many of the metaphors and analogies that come to mind in this post are water-based. A feminine element, the seat of our soul, our emotional life and Great Mystery. We saw this water/feminine energy rising up, swelling up, gushing forth, forging a path with enormous force. We were called to dive in.

We were taken back to ourselves at the very first moment of our arrival. Back to our first incarnation as a soul to Earth, the Great Feminine. And we were taken to our own personal void - the inner essence of the sacred feminine. We were asked to heal anything here that was not in alignment with beauty and love.

In doing this, we dived back in to Love, the void of the amniotic waters of Source.

This may have brought us face to face with our own hidden truths - those we hide even from ourselves. To the secrets kept in the void. To the hidden truths of our ancestors we carry in our DNA, to our fears, to truly living our greatest potential, to former incarnations, even to Death itself.

We saw a culmination around the July eclipse. This is where the shaking up got serious - in order to shake up our joy and love.

We granted freedom to ourselves, to our inner sacred feminine. Collectively we have felt deep grief and rage, which has inspired us to take action with community and with heart. Women are rising, everywhere people are rising and saying yes to a new right balance with the Earth.

It has been a beautiful and extraordinary year thus far.

Take good care of yourselves and the Earth, folks. I will finish this blog with a few quotes from earlier in the year.


If something cracks, let it crack and admire the beauty

Through this wave of change we leave behind our past selves, and re-emerge in a remarkably different way

A transmutation of the Soul.