Creative Soul Therapies

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What Energies Might Emerge In Kinesiology And Energy Therapies?

In the course of a session of Creative Kinesiology, EFT and Reiki, we have the opportunity to encounter many beautiful energies.

These energies are only present to us if we:

  1. Allow our minds and hearts to be open and explore the unknown
  2. Are receptive to healing energies in whatever form they arrive
  3. Give room for the energies to enter the treatment space
  4. Listen closely enough with all our senses (not only the basic five)

Some of the energies which flow into the treatment space - with perfect timing and wisdom - are:


The beautiful healing energies of our ancestors are very personal to us. They may feel/sound/smell like loved ones we have known or have a feeling of a different time, place or culture. There is a sense of a holographic river behind you filled with all of the people who have come before you. Ancestral energies often feel quite cold.


The Earth beneath our feet has a special energy and we are each all intimately connected with this powerful force of life. She often appears with great softness and tenderness, a loving embrace full of nourishment from the ultimate mother. With this energy comes a feeling of groundedness, being rooted, supported and cherished. You know you are 'held'.


Closely tied to the energy of Grandmother Earth are the energies of the plants. Each offers a different aspect of nourishment and touches us at the level of our soul. Like the Earth, plant spirit energies usually feel very gentle. You will need to listen closely and sensitively to sense their magic and the nourishing energy they each bring.


Reiki usually makes its presence known through a warmth in the upper body and a heat rising in the hands for those who have been attuned. When Reiki emerges in a healing session, it amplifies the connections between people and offers emotional and spiritual support. When you receive the Reiki energy, you will be aware how warming, soothing and comforting it is. 


Angel energy has an ethereal quality, a lightness and serenity. These energies have the capacity to transform, to lift heavy burdens. Angel energy is full of kindness, depth of understanding, patience and love. Angelic energy is a very high vibration which we may describe as a felt sense of peace.


If we are lucky enough, we discover cosmic energy that feels otherworldly. This gives us a sense of twinkling like stars, an expansive sensation of space. Cosmic energies offer us an appreciation of greater, wider and higher perspectives, bringing awe, wonder and helping us to access illuminating information. 


The ultimate source of divinity is an energy which is hard to describe, and though we are always in its presence we may only become aware of God at specific moments. These may feel like absolute love, the grace of forgiveness or a sudden knowing of oneness. 

Each energy, and many more, offer us the opportunity to know more of ourselves, to heal and expand our perspectives in our search for wholeness and meaning.

Discover the wonderful energies which are ready to reveal themselves to you, with