Creative Soul Therapies

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Your Symptoms Add Up To A Story...

Your body is smart and vastly intelligent.

Your body holds the knowing of every experience you have ever had. Your body holds all of the records of your birth, growing up and adulthood.

Your body holds the stress, the trauma, the tension. Your body remembers the warmth, the holding, the goodness.

The language of the body speaks in muscles, organs, fascia, emotional states, tension, ease, breathing, openness...

What symptoms is your body currently expressing?

Your body is constantly working to maintain a fierce, yet delicate, inner balance where all systems function in harmony.

Your heart brain is in constant contact with your environment - both internal and external - and relays messages of warmth, connection and coherence to the cranial brain.

Your gut brain communicates vast amounts of information to your cranial brain, including serotonin which then influences your mood and how good you feel. 

What information is being communicated by your heart or gut brains?

Your body has access to states of consciousness including relaxation, calm, play, joy and love.

Your body also holds suppressed anger, guilt, shame and fear - in all their varying forms.

What feelings and emotions is your body expressing?

There can be ease, and there can be dis-ease. This will reveal itself in the body, with a corresponding expression in the mind, the spirit and/or the soul.

To what extent are you experiencing dis-ease?

If your symptoms are not able to be medically diagnosed, consider what your body might be communicating to you.

Photo by Dazzle Jam from Pexels

The soul speaks through the body, nudging us with its symptoms.

The emotions flow through the body, and problems are encountered if they are repressed or unexpressed.

The flow of energy or chi can get stuck and cause difficulties.

Where do you notice any stuckness?

There is always a story that your body and soul will be communicating: the story of you. Who you are, where parts of yourself have been left abandoned, where you are ready to unravel more of yourself.

What part(s) of your being are calling to be seen and heard?

What goodness does your body need to come into balance?

It could be a new thought, movement, rest, nourishment in the form of food or touch, emotional connection, contact with the sacredness within you, or something else.

By taking the time to listen to your body, recognising the symptoms, feelings and emotions, and acknowledging your body's communication with you, you begin to come into greater connection with yourself. Taking the appropriate action returns your body to balance and equilibrium. And if you engage in this practice over time you reach a state of greater ease, with all aspects of your being coordinating in harmony.

Uncover the story behind your symptoms with