Creative Soul Therapies

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Exploring Chinese Medicine: Support for Your Central Meridian

As we in the Northern Hemisphere are beginning a new cycle in the element of Wood, with the associated season Spring, the Central and Governing meridians are also working behind the scenes to support your overall energy balance - what is needed, what is stored and what is being released.

In Chinese Medicine, the main energy channel at the front of your body is known as the Conception Vessel or 'Sea of Yin' and is a Major Extraordinary Vessel (the other is the Governing Vessel).

The Central Meridian runs up the centre of your body from your pubic bone to beneath your lower lip.

It supports many of your body and energy functions, specifically the Yin functions of calming body, heart and mind. In balance, it contributes to feeling nourished, rested and with a sense of inner strength and overall wellbeing.

If it is out of balance, you may feel unstable, tired, physically depleted and mentally foggy or scattered.

The Central meridian is often linked to the functions of the nervous system, including the brain. The brain receives an extraordinary amount of information through complex neural pathways that arrive at specialised regions in the brain. The information processing is incredible, not only for your 5 basic senses (smell, sound, taste, touch and vision) but also senses like vibration, pain, proprioception and pressure.

Supporting the Central meridian supports your brain and nervous system, especially with practices that promote your parasympathetic nervous system. And supporting the Central meridian enhances your natural capacity to flow with the changes of life with purpose and vitality.

by Rupa Panda

Practices to support your Central meridian and flow with the change in season:


Your brain requires a good balance of fatty acids, with a need for quality omega-3 fatty acids.

We recommend Nothing Fishy, a source of plant (algae) omega-3 fatty acids without the concern of heavy metal toxicity or plastic microbeads from fish sources.

Your nervous system relies on calcium for all of its electrical signalling too - so ensure you have plenty of nuts, green leafy vegetables and low-fat dairy products (or calcium-rich alternatives) in your diet.


Your Central meridian thrives on inner directed, calming practices such as meditation and mindfulness.

Make sure to take time for yourself, for gentle inner reflection. Practices like metta meditation or gratitude enhance your feelings of compassion, and so benefit your emotional heart health. 

For gentle movement, look for practices like Restorative and Yin Yoga to help to support your 'Sea of Yin' Vessel.


Sleep is essential for healthy functioning, brain agility and concentration, and overall feelings of wellness. Engaging in the meditative practices above and modifying your diet may also benefit your sleep.

Choose yin-like (gentle, calming) practices to assist you in getting to sleep. Low lighting, turning off outside stimulation and using aromatherapy is beneficial. Reducing over-stimulation to your senses and opting for nurturing smells will calm your nervous system.

And you might like to try Yoga Nidra, which is a practice to help bring the body and mind into a state of relaxation and constructive rest.

Balance for your Central meridian with Creative Kinesiology -