Creative Soul Therapies

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Giveaway! Discover Your Divine Word Or Theme For 2018

*This is a giveaway for all soulblog readers, available 1st December 2017 to 31st January 2018*

Uncover your guiding light for 2018...

What is the theme of your year ahead?

What divine guidance is ready to be revealed?

Your Word 2018 is a guidepost for your coming year. It will provide you with an anchor as you navigate the path of 2018. It is a touchstone; a mantra.

This may be one, two or three words, or possibly a phrase, that conveys the key story or meaning of the next 12 months. This will be unique to you.

Your Word 2018 may continue a current theme in your life, provide you with a focus, offer a catalyst for transformation, or propel you in a new direction. It will not tell you whether the path will be easy or challenging, but it will offer you a guiding light and a higher perspective as you move forwards. 

Any spiritual allies, angels or ascended masters that step through to support your journey throughout 2018, will also be shared with you.


Your word can be used simply as it is, allowing its wisdom to weave itself into your year.

Or you can go even deeper into the meaning and mystery with some of these ideas:

Journal with your word to uncover your own deeper understanding and intuitive knowledge. Begin when you receive your word, writing about what the word means to you or any thoughts and feelings that come to you. Make space to journal as often as you like - daily, weekly, monthly - as you move through the year. Journal at the end of 2018 to review your word.

Include questions that encourage self-reflection. You can also create calendar alerts on a weekly or monthly basis, with questions that prompt you to consider how your word is shaping or contributing to your year.

Create a vision board with your word and any images, pictures or phrases that feel right to you. Put this somewhere you will see it regularly or go back to it in intervals.

Create a piece of art with your word and display it all year as a reminder.

Blog about your word.

Search for videos, articles and meditations on your word using YouTube, TED talks, Insight Timer, or plenty of other platforms. Watch, read or listen to something related to your word every week, fortnight or month. Expanding your knowledge of new topics will lead you to even more new areas to explore.

Giveaway of your Word 2018 is available between 1st December 2017 and 31st January 2018.

You will be provided with a summary by email, including your Word 2018, any phrases or messages, and any spiritual allies or helpers that will be supporting you in the year.

Please note that for legal reasons I must state that all readings are for entertainment purposes only.

To request your Word 2018 email

If you would like more in-depth guidance please book an Angel Reading here

Please feel free to share this giveaway!