Creative Soul Therapies

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Exploring Chinese Medicine: The Heart Meridian

The heartbeat is our first connection to the world.

When our heart beats with strength and vitality we are connected in the world, present in our bodies and minds, and able to face our challenges with love and compassion.

The heart is our essence, our love, our joy. At optimal capacity we feel full, enthusiastic, warm.

In Chinese Medicine the heart meridian is part of the Fire element. The heart communicates with the whole Soul of a person. So when we feel content in our heart, we have the capacity for growth in mind, body and spirit. Our intellect is working in harmony with our intuition; logic with emotion.

Growing areas of research in neurocardiology and psychophysiology are showing that the heart is an important centre of communication and self-regulation. (see for more information)

Strawberry LOVE by Cheryl

Our heart communicates to the cranial brain via the nervous and hormonal systems. The heart generates 5000 times more powerful electrical signals than the brain. It is so important that in Creative Kinesiology we think of it as the Heart Brain.

When our heart is happy, the brain and body can feel balanced.

It is our connection to ourselves, and the basis of what we need to be in mind-body coherence.

When this communication from the heart becomes weakened, we lose our fire.

Twice this week, laughing has come top of the list for its healing properties in the personal journeys of my clients, and countless other times in the lives of my friends. Laughing is the sound of the fire element, and the sound of the heart.

Help bring your Heart meridian into balance by having fun, enjoying warmth, and engaging with your passion for life. Do what brings you energy and joy.

Foods which support the Heart meridian include citrus fruits, strawberries and green leafy vegetables, as well as foods rich in calcium and vitamin E.

A happy heart can achieve many things with ease.

To strengthen your heart meridian contact