Creative Soul Therapies

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Excited and Energised in Work: Your Passion & Purpose

Does that seem unattainable? Have you been searching for fulfilling work, or hoping for it to happen? Or perhaps you have found your passion and are making it a reality?

I think that the true definition of success is creating work that is meaningful to you, that energises you, and aligns with your values. 

Many people are in jobs that do not fill them with inspiration or energy, and in fact may be demotivating, draining and even demoralising.

At the same time, I have met some wonderful and courageous people who are seeking out meaningful work that aligns with their beliefs and inner drive. There seems to be a growing number of people who are following a calling in their heart and striving to live their soul's purpose.

by Seth Sawyers

If you are struggling to find your passion or manifest your purpose in reality, here are some affirmations to shift your mindset to one of empowerment. You could speak these aloud, or write them down. 

"My work energises, excites and inspires me"

"My work is aligned with my soul's highest vision"

"My passion brings me purpose, and my purpose brings me passion"

How true are these statements for you? What was your response to these (physical, emotional or mental)? Journalling about these statements and the thoughts or beliefs that arise around them, is a useful start to understanding where you are currently and what might be holding you back subconsciously.

Our thoughts have a powerful impact on our reality. Making space to identify limiting beliefs is crucial to aligning our energy with our purpose.

The energy that fills you when you live your purpose is radiant. I wish you success!

Emotional Freedom Techniques enables you to uncover your subconscious beliefs, and shift your mindset to support your purpose and passion.

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